Friday, April 3, 2009


You might have seen my newest addition to the blogg, the Shelfari bookshelf on the left. It is an ingenious website for every booklover. You can track the books you have read, the one you are reading right now and the one you want to read. You can hook up with other people, who have the same interest in book as you or form a new group for the book you just read. Invite your friends and spread the knowledge you have of books, rate them and write a short blurb of what you thought abut it.
I mostly use it to track the books I have read so far, as I search through the thousand and thousands of books on the website, I am reminded of books I read a long time ago and I can add them to my list. Admittedly, it has become quite an addiction for me. But if you have the time, you can look through the books I have read, right here next to the text and maybe even set up your own account. Don’t forget to add me as your friend so I can see what you’ve read!

My recommendations: Please Mr. Einstein by Jean Claude Carrière

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