Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Patrick's Day

In honour of St Patrick's Day, my plan was to recommend some books set in Ireland or by Irish authors, but then I realised that Irish books are all so sad. Its troubled history, mainly with Britain and the effects thereof has really coloured the books I have read about Ireland not green, but rather black.
That's when I turned to the always reliable Marian Keyes to cheer me up, so today I am drinking Guiness, eating potatoes and re-reading Sushi for Beginners and leave the sad books to another day.
If you still want to tackle the sad stories from Ireland, these are some of the ones I have read.

The Star of the Sea by Joseph O'Connor
Frank McCourt's
autobiographical trilogy Angela's Ashes, 'Tis, The Teacher

and one that is on my To Read list:
The Speckled People by Hugo Hamilton


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