Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The book or the movie – Take III

Act I
Q & A vs. Slumdogmillionaire.

Vikas Swarup’s story has more power, more drama and intrigues and less direct action and death, which makes it a nicer read but would be difficult to translate to the big screen, as in the case with many other books turned in to movies. The all too familiar dilemma of how to project some things in written form on to the big screen without being cheesy. Taking the book straight out would be too difficult task, if not impossible. Therefore changes have to be made and sometimes these are difficult to make and need to change.

Act II
Knowledge v. love

Swarup emphasises less on love and romance and more on the entire world around Jamal. The screen play has its central role around love and the pre-decided destiny the main character and his lover. It sells movie tickets, yes, but is it really what the story is about? When I read the book I did not get that message at all. The more important things were how he gained his knowledge, even though he is just a slum dog (not judging a book by its cover, would be a nice cliché to use here).


The book wins hands down. I don’t say that the movie is bad. It is just that you might not want to see it as a compliment to the book, but rather see it for its own movie qualities.
The Bollywood influence in the after text is worth staying in your seats for.

My recommendations: Bridget Jones’ diary by Helen Fielding

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