Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chick lit recomendations

According to Amazon's and friends recommendation's I should really like Jill Mansell's books and after reading an interview with her on Miranda Dickson's blog, I was happy to find Mansell book Two's Company on the "newly returned" shelf at my local library.
It is a well written book in the sense of seeing the characters and their surroundings. However at 11CD's long for a chicklit novel, it was too long. Too many plots, too much drama (I felt like I was listening to one of those long running soap operas).
Without telling too much, I must also say that the ending did not convince me or maybe I am just to cynical and stubborn to believe in it.
I haven't totally given up on Mansell I will probbaly try another of her books that seems really promising (To the moon and back).
Title: Two's Company Author: Jill Mansell ISBN: 978-0-7531-4649-1

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