Sunday, June 10, 2012


After reading The Library Book, I got inspired to find a blogg I wrote in 2007 but still rings true today. So here it comes one more time.

Libraries, what a great concept

A library is such a wonderful place. To whom ever came up with this idea I am grateful. Just take a moment and think of the concept. You can go there and borrow almost as many books, CDs, DVDs, magazines and newspapers that you want. And all this for free. Or, you can sit there all day reading and no one would bother you.

Wherever I live I go to the library for some peace and quiet, being a student, it almost feels like a second home.
In Washington DC I loved the Library of Congress. The tranquillity of the large marbled rooms combined with the vast amount of books to borrow there were amazing.
In Honolulu the design of the library, just fit the climate perfectly. It was built around a courtyard, sprinkled with palms and greenery. On the hot balmy days, which are typical for Hawai’i, I sat outside in the cool shadow studying.
When I lived in Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA they remodelled the library and when it was done, it looked sleek, modern and fresh. An extra bonus was the books and DVDs you could borrow from other libraries in the county sent to your local library at your convenience.
Of course you can borrow e-books online and never have to set your foot in the library, but it won’t beat the feeling of going to the library and browse the many bookshelves and pick out just the one that looks great. Go visit a library and enjoy the free access to a wide variety of reading material.

Title: The Library Book Author: The Reading Agency ISBN: 978-1-78125-005-1

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